Human Resources
Energy of Research and development 優質團隊





Benefits 薪酬福利

Salary/Insurance 薪酬/保險類

1. 14 months annual salary 保障年薪14個月.
2. Patent Incentive Bonus 鼓勵創作發明,給予高額專利獎金.
3. Insurance programs for you and your family 享勞保、健保、退休金制度與免費員工團體保險.
4. Profit sharing bonus 與個人績效、公司營運連結之員工分紅制度.

Recreation 休閒類

1.Travel/Family Day 國內旅遊/家庭日.
2.department banquet allowance 每季部門聚餐補助.
3.Birthday Party 慶生會.

Leave 休假制度

1.Saturdays and Sunday off 週休二日.
2.The amount of annual leave is better than the Labor Standards Act allowed 優於勞基法的休假制度.
3.Special leave of New staff 新進人員於當年度即可按比例享有特休.

Others 其他

1.Annual health examination and health program 提供每年優質員工健檢.
2.Provides a place for staff to relax 免費咖啡吧、健身房,照顧同仁健康需求.
3.Irregularly held various recreational activities 不定期舉辦各類康樂活動.
4.flexible working hours 彈性上下班.
5.Open communication of corporate culture 人性化管理,開放溝通的企業文化.
Join us 熱門職缺
